The Origin Story of Green Jacket
Well, you could say there are TWO origin stories for Green Jacket. The true one is that I was inspired by a character I saw in a green jacket in the Columbia Pictures movie Men in Black. The character (an alien, we learn later) is chased by Will Smith's character at the beginning of the movie (right after that scene with Tommy Lee Jones in the desert). While the alien is being chased, he demonstrates unusual abilities: superhuman stamina, the ability to scale walls with relative ease, etc.This got me thinking, "What if you had an ordinary looking guy who could do extraordinary things? A superhero whose only distinguishing trademark was a shiny green jacket?" And so, I came up with Green Jacket, a man who looks ordinary, but isn't. The fictional origin story is about a guy named Green (his last name) who wakes up after a weird dream and finds himself wearing a green jacket--the same one he had seen someone else wearing in his dream. Shortly afterwards, he discovers that he can do just about anything he imagines: fly, walk through walls, move at superhuman speed, make objects appear out of nowhere, etc. Since he discovers these powers after awakening in the green jacket, he calls himself "Green Jacket". |
What I believe about God
God is Spirit (John 4:24), not mortal like humans and animals. God exists as a Trinity--one God, manifested in three Persons: the Father, the Son (the Word), and the Holy Spirit (1 John 5:7). Jesus Christ is the living Word, both God and man, and lived among men(John 1:1,14). Christ lived a sinless life (1 Peter 2:21-22) and died so we could be saved from wrath (Romans 5:8-9). Only those who have faith in Jesus Christ will be saved (John 3:16-18; Acts 10:36-43; Ephesians 2:8-9).
Other Things I Believe
I believe the theory of evolution by natural selection is a lie. No one has found the numerous "missing" links in the fossil record necessary to connect various groups of animals (fish to amphibians, for example). If anything, the fossil record affirms the story of Creation found in Genesis--the sudden emergence of several different species at the same time. Consider also how complex life is--DNA, the complex structure of living cells, etc. No way that could have come about by mere chance. You might as well try to create a working air conditioner by shaking a box full of parts. No matter how hard or long you shake the parts in the box, they'll never come together to create a working air conditioner.I believe that many people (myself included from time to time) today have trouble taking responsibility for their actions. People simply don't want to say, "I made a mistake. What I did was wrong. I'm sorry." It seems much easier to blame someone else--one's parents, spouse, friends, the government, society in general. Of course, the "blame game" is nothing new. Consider the events described in Genesis 3:6-13--When God confronted Adam after he ate the forbidden fruit Adam blamed Eve. When God spoke to Eve, she blamed the serpent. If the serpent (Satan) could have blamed anyone, then he probably would have. I believe that most people don't realize that people aren't born good. Indeed, with the exception of Jesus, we all are born bad. Man has no inherent goodness. Goodness comes from God alone, and those without God are incapable of real good.
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