January 28, 2009--I had a dream that combined a couple of different shows. I was travelling with Donna Noble (from "Doctor Who," 4th season of the latest version), and we ended up at this resort. We walked past a stairway that was blocked off, and I took a peak in the door. There were guns hidden in the hand rail. We ended up in a dining area with windows along the side of the room. It was night out, and I sensed danger. Suddenly, Angel (from "Angel" and "Buffy the Vampire Slayer") and a group of vampires entered the room. I managed to slip out before they trapped everyone else in the room. I phased through several rooms, some looking like court rooms with trials in progress. I summoned Mr. Jinn and tried to find the stairwell with the guns. I couldn't, so I tried to think of a plan. Then, I started laughing and said to Jinn, "I can't believe I didn't think of this before! If we get it so his powers are unreliable, then we can beat him." We found our way back to the room, and Jinn made himself invisible to everyone besides me. When I entered, Angel looked at me and said, "You look familiar. Have we met before?" I introduced myself, and Donna said something. Angel looked at her and said, "Is he your boyfriend or something?" I replied, "Nah, I'm just a friend. A companion, if you will. And I have another friend who you can't see right now, but who walks beside me." I nodded to Jinn, then continued, "And we shall ensure your defeat." Angel reverted back to his human form and seemed surprised by the transformation. Before he could respond, I raised both of my arms and fired wooden stakes into three of his vampires.....